Result [errors.result]

Prefer bool, Opt or Result to signal failure outcomes explicitly. Avoid using the result identifier.

Prefer the use of Result when multiple failure paths exist and the calling code might need to differentiate between them.

Raise Defect to signal panics such as logic errors or preconditions being violated.

Make error handling explicit and visible at call site using explicit control flow (if, try, results.?).

Handle errors locally at each abstraction level, avoiding spurious abstraction leakage.

Isolate legacy code with explicit exception handling, converting the errors to Result or handling them locally, as appropriate.

# Enable exception tracking for all functions in this module
{.push raises: [].} # Always at start of module

import results
export results # Re-export modules used in public symbols

# Use `Result` to propagate additional information expected errors
# See `Result` section for specific guidlines for errror type
func f*(): Result[void, cstring]

# In special cases that warrant the use of exceptions, list these explicitly using the `raises` pragma.
func parse(): Type {.raises: [ParseError]}

See also Result for more recommendations about Result.

See also Error handling helpers in stew that may change some of these guidelines.