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This module implements cross-platform network interfaces list. Currently supported OSes are Windows, Linux, MacOS, BSD(not tested).


InterfaceAddress = object
  host*: TransportAddress
  net*: IpNet
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InterfaceState = enum
  StatusError = 0, StatusUp, StatusDown, StatusTesting, StatusUnknown,
  StatusDormant, StatusNotPresent, StatusLowerLayerDown
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InterfaceType = enum
  IfError = 0, IfOther = 1, IfRegular1822 = 2, IfHdh1822 = 3, IfDdnX25 = 4,
  IfRfc877X25 = 5, IfEthernetCsmacd = 6, IfIso88023Csmacd = 7,
  IfIso88024TokenBus = 8, IfIso88025TokenRing = 9, IfIso88026MAN = 10,
  IfStarlan = 11, IfProteon10Mbit = 12, IfProteon80Mbit = 13,
  IfHyperChannel = 14, IfFddi = 15, IfLapB = 16, IfSdlc = 17, IfDs1 = 18,
  IfE1 = 19, IfBasicIsdn = 20, IfPrimaryIsdn = 21, IfPropPoint2PointSerial = 22,
  IfPpp = 23, IfSoftwareLoopback = 24, IfEon = 25, IfEthernet3Mbit = 26,
  IfNsip = 27, IfSlip = 28, IfUltra = 29, IfDs3 = 30, IfSip = 31,
  IfFrameRelay = 32, IfRs232 = 33, IfPara = 34, IfArcNet = 35,
  IfArcNetPlus = 36, IfAtm = 37, IfMioX25 = 38, IfSonet = 39, IfX25Ple = 40,
  IfIso88022Llc = 41, IfLocalTalk = 42, IfSmdsDxi = 43,
  IfFrameRelayService = 44, IfV35 = 45, IfHssi = 46, IfHippi = 47, IfModem = 48,
  IfAal5 = 49, IfSonetPath = 50, IfSonetVt = 51, IfSmdsIcip = 52,
  IfPropVirtual = 53, IfPropMultiplexor = 54, IfIeee80212 = 55,
  IfFibreChannel = 56, IfHippiInterface = 57, IfFrameRelayInterconnect = 58,
  IfAflane8023 = 59, IfAflane8025 = 60, IfCctemul = 61, IfFastEther = 62,
  IfIsdn = 63, IfV11 = 64, IfV36 = 65, IfG70364K = 66, IfG7032MB = 67,
  IfQllc = 68, IfFastEtherFx = 69, IfChannel = 70, IfIeee80211 = 71,
  IfIbm370Parchan = 72, IfEscon = 73, IfDlsw = 74, IfIsdnS = 75, IfIsdnU = 76,
  IfLapD = 77, IfIpSwitch = 78, IfRsrb = 79, IfAtmLogical = 80, IfDs0 = 81,
  IfDs0Bundle = 82, IfBsc = 83, IfAsync = 84, IfCnr = 85, IfIso88025rDtr = 86,
  IfEplrs = 87, IfArap = 88, IfPropCnls = 89, IfHostPad = 90, IfTermPad = 91,
  IfFrameRelayMpi = 92, IfX213 = 93, IfAdsl = 94, IfRadsl = 95, IfSdsl = 96,
  IfVdsl = 97, IfIso88025Crfprint = 98, IfMyrInet = 99, IfVoiceEm = 100,
  IfVoiceFxo = 101, IfVoiceFxs = 102, IfVoiceEncap = 103, IfVoiceOverip = 104,
  IfAtmDxi = 105, IfAtmFuni = 106, IfAtmIma = 107, IfPppMultilinkBundle = 108,
  IfIpoverCdlc = 109, IfIpoverClaw = 110, IfStackToStack = 111,
  IfVirtualIpAddress = 112, IfMpc = 113, IfIpoverAtm = 114,
  IfIso88025Fiber = 115, IfTdlc = 116, IfGigabitEthernet = 117, IfHdlc = 118,
  IfLapF = 119, IfV37 = 120, IfX25Mlp = 121, IfX25HuntGroup = 122,
  IfTransPhdlc = 123, IfInterleave = 124, IfFast = 125, IfIp = 126,
  IfDocScableMaclayer = 127, IfDocScableDownstream = 128,
  IfDocScableUpstream = 129, IfA12MppSwitch = 130, IfTunnel = 131,
  IfCoffee = 132, IfCes = 133, IfAtmSubInterface = 134, IfL2Vlan = 135,
  IfL3IpVlan = 136, IfL3IpxVlan = 137, IfDigitalPowerline = 138,
  IfMediaMailOverIp = 139, IfDtm = 140, IfDcn = 141, IfIpForward = 142,
  IfMsdsl = 143, IfIeee1394 = 144, IfIfGsn = 145, IfDvbrccMaclayer = 146,
  IfDvbrccDownstream = 147, IfDvbrccUpstream = 148, IfAtmVirtual = 149,
  IfMplsTunnel = 150, IfSrp = 151, IfVoiceOverAtm = 152,
  IfVoiceOverFrameRelay = 153, IfIdsl = 154, IfCompositeLink = 155,
  IfSs7SigLink = 156, IfPropWirelessP2p = 157, IfFrForward = 158,
  IfRfc1483 = 159, IfUsb = 160, IfIeee8023AdLag = 161,
  IfBgpPolicyAccounting = 162, IfFrf16MfrBundle = 163, IfH323Gatekeeper = 164,
  IfH323Proxy = 165, IfMpls = 166, IfMfSigLink = 167, IfHdsl2 = 168,
  IfShdsl = 169, IfDs1Fdl = 170, IfPos = 171, IfDvbAsiIn = 172,
  IfDvbAsiOut = 173, IfPlc = 174, IfNfas = 175, IfTr008 = 176, IfGr303Rdt = 177,
  IfGr303Idt = 178, IfIsup = 179, IfPropDocsWirelessMaclayer = 180,
  IfPropDocsWirelessDownstream = 181, IfPropDocsWirelessUpstream = 182,
  IfHiperLan2 = 183, IfPropBwaP2mp = 184, IfSonetOverheadChannel = 185,
  IfDigitalWrapperOverheadChannel = 186, IfAal2 = 187, IfRadioMac = 188,
  IfAtmRadio = 189, IfImt = 190, IfMvl = 191, IfReachDsl = 192,
  IfFrDlciEndpt = 193, IfAtmVciEndpt = 194, IfOpticalChannel = 195,
  IfOpticalTransport = 196, IfIeee80216Wman = 237, IfWwanPp = 243,
  IfWwanPp2 = 244, IfIeee802154 = 259, IfXboxWireless = 281
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NetworkInterface = object
  ifIndex*: int
  ifType*: InterfaceType
  name*: string
  desc*: string
  mtu*: int64
  flags*: uint64
  state*: InterfaceState
  mac*: array[MaxAdapterAddressLength, byte]
  maclen*: int
  addresses*: seq[InterfaceAddress]
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Route = object
  ifIndex*: int
  dest*: TransportAddress
  source*: TransportAddress
  gateway*: TransportAddress
  metric*: int
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proc `$`(ifa: InterfaceAddress): string {....raises: [], tags: [].}
Return string representation of ifa.   Source   Edit
proc `$`(iface: NetworkInterface): string {....raises: [], tags: [].}
Return string representation of network interface iface.   Source   Edit
proc `$`(route: Route): string {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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proc broadcast(ifa: InterfaceAddress): TransportAddress {....raises: [], tags: [].}
Return broadcast address for ifa.   Source   Edit
proc cmp(a, b: NetworkInterface): int {....raises: [], tags: [].}
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proc getBestRoute(address: TransportAddress): Route {....raises: [], raises: [],
    tags: [].}
Return best applicable OS route, which will be used for connecting to address address.   Source   Edit
proc getInterfaces(): seq[NetworkInterface] {....raises: [], raises: [], tags: [].}
Return list of available interfaces.   Source   Edit
proc init(ift: typedesc[InterfaceAddress]; address: TransportAddress;
          prefix: int): InterfaceAddress {....raises: [].}
Initialize InterfaceAddress using address and prefix length prefix.   Source   Edit
proc netmask(ifa: InterfaceAddress): TransportAddress {....raises: [], tags: [].}
Return network mask for ifa.   Source   Edit
proc network(ifa: InterfaceAddress): TransportAddress {....raises: [], tags: [].}
Return network address for ifa.   Source   Edit


template RTA_ALIGN(length: uint): uint
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template RTA_PAYLOAD(length: uint): uint
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DualStackType, ==, AddressFamily, toHex, ==, toIPv6, TransportTooManyError, init, address, getError, isLoopback, isLinkLocalMulticast, ip, resolveTAddress, -, getTransportTooManyError, checkClosed, getTransportError, TransportAddress, isLinkLocalUnicast, contains, getAutoAddresses, initTAddress, getAutoAddress, checkWriteEof, ServerStatus, host, isMulticast, init, isV4Mapped, isUniqueLocal, TransportAddressError, isInterfaceLocalMulticast, ==, AnyAddress, getTransportOsError, $, $, setDualstack, init, TransportLimitError, $, ==, TransportNoSupport, TransportUseClosedError, broadcast, TransportUseEofError, isUnspecified, resolveTAddress, isZero, isSiteLocal, initTAddress, isShared, +, isAnyLocal, $, setDualstack, inc, ==, isDocumentation, isPrivate, getConnectionAbortedError, checkClosed, toSAddr, isUnicastLinkLocal, isLinkLocal, subnetMask, TransportError, ==, getDomain, TransportAbortedError, isNone, getConnectionAbortedError, getServerUseClosedError, mask, isReserved, ServerFlags, toIpAddress, isGlobal, TransportIncompleteError, and, resolveTAddress, getTransportOsError, ServerCommand, resolveTAddress, toIPv4, initTAddress, $, isUnicast, fromSAddr, raiseTransportOsError, getTransportUseClosedError, resolveTAddress, ==, init, prefix, isBroadcast, resolveTAddress, not, init, ==, resolveTAddress, isAvailable, $, init, SocketServer, dec, DefaultDatagramBufferSize, init, windowsAnyAddressFix, IpMask, network, DefaultStreamBufferSize, initIp, raiseTransportError, getDomain, AnyAddress6, IpNet, resolveTAddress, TransportOsError, TransportState, isBenchmarking, isGlobalMulticast, or, subnetMask, initTAddress