Porting code to chronos v4

Thanks to its macro support, Nim allows async/await to be implemented in libraries with only minimal support from the language - as such, multiple async libraries exist, including chronos and asyncdispatch, and more may come to be developed in the futures.

Chronos v3

Chronos v4 introduces new features for IPv6, exception effects, a stand-alone Future type as well as several other changes - when upgrading from chronos v3, here are several things to consider:

  • Exception handling is now strict by default - see the error handling chapter for how to deal with raises effects
  • AsyncEventBus was removed - use AsyncEventQueue instead
  • Future.value and Future.error panic when accessed in the wrong state
  • Future.read and Future.readError raise FutureError instead of ValueError when accessed in the wrong state


Code written for asyncdispatch and chronos looks similar but there are several differences to be aware of:

  • chronos has its own dispatch loop - you can typically not mix chronos and asyncdispatch in the same thread
  • import chronos instead of import asyncdispatch
  • cleanup is important - make sure to use closeWait to release any resources you're using or file descriptor and other leaks will ensue
  • cancellation support means that CancelledError may be raised from most {.async.} functions
  • Calling yield directly in tasks is not supported - instead, use awaitne.
  • asyncSpawn is used instead of asyncCheck - note that exceptions raised in tasks that are asyncSpawn:ed cause panic

Supporting multiple backends

Libraries built on top of async/await may wish to support multiple async backends - the best way to do so is to create separate modules for each backend that may be imported side-by-side - see nim-metrics for an example.

An alternative way is to select backend using a global compile flag - this method makes it diffucult to compose applications that use both backends as may happen with transitive dependencies, but may be appropriate in some cases - libraries choosing this path should call the flag asyncBackend, allowing applications to choose the backend with -d:asyncBackend=<backend_name>.

Known async backends include:

  • chronos - this library (-d:asyncBackend=chronos)
  • asyncdispatch the standard library asyncdispatch module (-d:asyncBackend=asyncdispatch)
  • none - -d:asyncBackend=none - disable async support completely

none can be used when a library supports both a synchronous and asynchronous API, to disable the latter.